By Oaken Barb Hiking and Outdoors Bangert Island Loop Hike

Bangert Island Loop Hike

Well, this is a bit delayed – like a week. See, I was doing some things on my computer one Saturday morning, then we went shopping – I came home and my PC was absolutely dead, at only 4 years old. Nothing worked, not even a new power supply. The motherboard had died. So, when I went hiking the next Saturday, I had nothing to edit and upload the video with. But now I have a nice little PC for doing such things again!

I was just looking for a little in-the-woods time, kind of in a pinch, so wanted to hike close to home and this little 2 and something mile loop seemed like the perfect way to do it. From new trails that All Trails didn’t know about to abandoned tents, majestic moons, an owl and a doe – this hike was pretty cool all around. Keep your All Trails handy though, because there are a lot of ‘community’ trails that fork off and might could lead to getting lost in the woods at night!

Bangert Island Loop Trail

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