Carrots and Onions are poking through. Radish, Borage, Basil and Lettuce have all come up. Looking at the pic, it really looks like I need to get some grass seed for overseeding…. I think the pic was taken just before I mowed the yard for the first time this season.
This is a video I took of a very welcome visitor to our yard… after I shooed one of the cats away from accosting our guest. My boots also appear in the video.
We got a couple bags of vermiculite, some humus and cow manure and a load of old Horse Manure for composts to include in Mel’s Mix. We also got a couple of last year’s water plants – I just hope they will thrive in our little water feature. Willice picked up a couple nice blue flowering plants that I can’t recall the name of and three nice, light green mosses to put around the pond. When I get the big stumps of the trees I pulled up out of the background, I will put a pic of the water feature. 🙂