Now that the Personhood for Zygotes Amendment has been defeated in Mississippi, I would like to remind people that most ...
Month: August 2011
Texas Miracle? Sure, as long as you ignore factsTexas Miracle? Sure, as long as you ignore facts
Yes, those old, pesky “Facts” that are just so bloody inconvenient, why NOT ignore them? Maybe they will go away??? Read ...
Running for Governor – the Lessons so farRunning for Governor – the Lessons so far
So far, I have learned that most people are not actually fed up with political business as usual. Most people ...
Remember when I said…Remember when I said…
That the Republican plan for Jobs, to decrease unemployment, is to Fire people. Some laughed because it was funny and ...
Do Democrats Care?Do Democrats Care? Read the article above… So, we have three options here – either Republicans have no scruples and vote in ...
Input RequestedInput Requested
So, Jackson Free Press put up an article about Trickle Down economics. “turbodog” wrote a comment saying it was childish ...
Snakes and Oil SalesmenSnakes and Oil Salesmen
This article – The United Snakes of America – has some very good points. Such as : Republicans have become ...
Consumption Tax?Consumption Tax?
I was told by someone that I would not win the election. “Maybe not,” I said. But Maybe I will. ...
Gary R. Blair on RealityGary R. Blair on Reality
Everyone has the right to believe and accept what he or she wants, but reality doesn’t discriminate. Reality is not ...
Facebook PostingsFacebook Postings
On Facebook, I Liked “The Constitution” – a page apprently created by a right-winger, you know the ones that talk ...