Angry Bear has a post about why wage and income growth are the key to reviving the economy. It goes ...
Month: May 2011
Couple things to shout aboutCouple things to shout about
First, a quote from my corporate hero : There is one rule for the industrialist and that is: Make the ...
The Road to DamascusThe Road to Damascus
Where was Paul going on the Road to Damascus? Okay, so it doesn’t work as well in text format, but ...
The People’s BudgetThe People’s Budget
Just throwing this out there to get more people aware of the fact that there is a good alternative to ...
Keeping the Economy FunctionalKeeping the Economy Functional In the boardrooms of corporate America, profits aren’t everything – they are the only thing. A JPMorgan research report concludes that ...
Freshman GOP still HipocrittersFreshman GOP still Hipocritters
The GOP famously ran on “No more Earmarks!” even going so far as to “ban” them. Except when they do ...
The child-driven educationThe child-driven education
Sugata Mitra: The child-driven education | Video on A very interesting experiment. I would like to see what this ...
Ryan admits they want to Hurt the PoorRyan admits they want to Hurt the Poor
Ryan said. “We are really just arguing over who to hurt and how best to manage the decline of our ...
Hardball vs. Ron Paul – an AnalysisHardball vs. Ron Paul – an Analysis
Ron Paul appeared on Hardball with Chris Matthews on Friday May the 13th, 2011. I found some very interesting items ...
Someone Else Explains the TruthSomeone Else Explains the Truth
Over at Truthout, they have a new article that explains, much as I have here in the past, that “The ...