Jackson, Mississippi was host to one of the Save the Dream rallies to show support for the Teachers and Unions ...
Month: February 2011
Business Leaders agree – I am right!Business Leaders agree – I am right!
There are three essential elements of the shift. First, business and finance must jettison their short-term orientation and revamp incentives ...
So, think about thisSo, think about this
Using your Critical Thinking skills, ponder the question, “why would a group seek to hamper education?” ...
What are Anti-Choice People really asking for?What are Anti-Choice People really asking for?
Anti-Choice people are asking : Please, give us 1.37 million new, unwanted people added to our population per year. Please, ...
Why is Fox Misinfotainment so Successful?Why is Fox Misinfotainment so Successful?
One research team seems to know, according to Bill Moyers. Yes, its a long read, but well worth it. Even ...
The Bigger the GOP, the Bigger the HypocrisyThe Bigger the GOP, the Bigger the Hypocrisy
Okay, so, the GOP passed a House Rule that states a requirement to cite the constitution as specifically as possible that ...
Fired to Work?Fired to Work?
We want to get people back to work, so we are going to fire a lot of people “The level ...
Global WarmingGlobal Warming
“It got cold – so much for global warming” … yeah, Simple much? There is a reason “Simple” is equated ...
Health Reform News you should ALL ReadHealth Reform News you should ALL Read
“Wendell Potter, former head of corporate communications for Cigna” Read more: Health care reform’s biggest con | Bankrate.com http://www.bankrate.com/financing/insurance/health-care-reforms-biggest-con/#ixzz1D0k0Htwr This guy is ...