I couldn’t comment on the CNN blog post, but I found some comments to be interesting : Sniffit “How do ...
Month: December 2010
Loosing HopeLoosing Hope
Hope! Change! Transparency! Yes, we Can! and Yes, We did!! That is what I voted for – as much as ...
The Rich get Richer….The Rich get Richer….
We have a lot of this phrase going around – “The Rich get richer and… ” with lots of different ...
Kick out the MillionairesKick out the Millionaires
Millionaires count as 5% of the population of the United States. They make up about 50% of the members of ...
Media and Republican LiesMedia and Republican Lies
Jobs are not being created! Millionaires and billionaires have the low tax rate right now and they are NOT doing ...
Listening to the Public?Listening to the Public?
Lets just pick a small thing here. The Bush Tax Cuts – which Bush and cronies designed to expire. The ...