So, Haley Barbour has praised segregationists and now, to make up for it politically, he pardons suspends the life sentence of ...
Month: December 2010
Mississippi EmbarrassmentMississippi Embarrassment
Well, its time to get local myself. Mississippi is the butt of many jokes – and our national representatives not ...
Think, Act and Prosper LocallyThink, Act and Prosper Locally
I am stunned by the thoughts going through my head right now. Is this an epiphany? Is this guy, Chris Hedges, ...
Politics and ReligionPolitics and Religion
I saw something today on Facebook that brought this topic about, so bear with me – its kinda short. Some ...
Roundup of ArticlesRoundup of Articles
Democrats are more favored than Republicans. Watching Fox “News” makes you Stupid. (or at least very misinformed) Republicans Oppose their ...
Where is the Outrage?Where is the Outrage?
I can’t believe that there are not more people, more average, working people, who are totally pissed off right now. ...
Wow!! UnbelievableWow!! Unbelievable
“Washington is here to serve the banks…” – Spencer Bachus, traitor who betrays We the People to the Banks and ...
Mandates! Health, Auto, Seat belt!!Mandates! Health, Auto, Seat belt!!
Interesting developments! A Judge in Virginia has ruled the Federal Mandate of Health Coverage unconstitutional. I find it bordering on ...
Filibuster! Against the Tax DealFilibuster! Against the Tax Deal
Sen. Bernard Sanders, I-VT – who started at 10:25am – is joined by Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-LA in a Filibuster of ...
Who owes What in TaxesWho owes What in Taxes
100% of the population of the United States owes a share of the cost of running the government that benefits ...