Today, we have allowed tyrants to usurp our democracy. This is a Fact. Corporations have moved into the forefront and ...
Month: November 2010
Well, Obama was RightWell, Obama was Right
Yeah, it didn’t happen over night and we still have a long way to go, but we are back on ...
Health CareHealth Care
I think I’ve pretty much decided that For Profit health care is the source of our health care woes. Think ...
Create Jobs!! Where are the Jobs??Create Jobs!! Where are the Jobs??
How is a Job created? First, there has to be a product or service. Second, there has to be a ...
Personal vs Social ResponsibilityPersonal vs Social Responsibility
I wrote this for a reply to a forum conversation (which is irrelevant for this post, so not linking to ...
“No Earmarks!”“No Earmarks!”
“We must reduce the deficit! No Earmarks!” – a Republican liar (isn’t that redundant?). Banning Earmarks will do NOTHING. For ...
Why am I all against Republicans?Why am I all against Republicans?
While I am not a Democrat, the Republican Agenda is a greater detriment to the Nation – period. Almost their ...
If you can manage to get through this….If you can manage to get through this….
10 Scariest Republicans headed to Congress I was afraid before… but now I am terrified that these hate-filled psychopaths will ...
Airport InsanityAirport Insanity
Okay, so discarding a bit of liberty for the illusion of safety – Airport Scanners. Seriously, take a look at ...
The United States Obsession with Other People’s BedroomsThe United States Obsession with Other People’s Bedrooms
I must say, WHAT THE FRIKK? “An equal application of law to every condition of man is fundamental.” –Thomas Jefferson ...