In a few hours, a few of the top LYING ARSE crap ads that were displaying on my blog will ...
Month: October 2010
Local Jackson ItemsLocal Jackson Items
WOOHOO!! is the only response I can come up with for the news that Fortification is getting revamped! Its about ...
The Gas Crisis in the USThe Gas Crisis in the US
Okay, check this out! In 2006, Honda developed a clean diesel engine that is quiet and not smelly. In Europe, they ...
Word of the DayWord of the Day
Word of the Day Wednesday, October 20, 2010 antediluvian an-tih-duh-LOO-vee-uhn , adjective; 1. Of or relating to the period before the Biblical flood. 2. Antiquated; from or belonging to a much earlier time. noun: 1. One who lived before the Biblical flood. 2. A very old (or old-fashioned) person. ...
Okay, so I was wondering what kind of mushrooms are used on Pizza. Google was not much help. I know, ...
Just some StuffJust some Stuff
The First Amendment – you SHOULD know it! Candidates for Congress even more so! I am thankful that the ...
Revealing Article on FoxRevealing Article on Fox Read the article. Not much to say about it except, “YAY!” Favorite Excerpt: “If it’s true that news can ...
Mother Jones PostMother Jones Post
I just had to link to this – mostly because of the comments! Especially the one by Bosn and Imogene Brodie’s reply! Man! ...
Neither Democrats nor RepublicansNeither Democrats nor Republicans
Both parties SUCK. I see a LOT of potential methods and platforms to call out the “Conservative” candidates on – ...
You know, looking at This Map I was suddenly reminded that I know almost nothing about what is going on ...