
Just wanted to point out a couple things over at FactCheck.org (that support things that I have been saying, naturally!)

First is a mailbag thing where a small business owner is fully aware of the way business works and contradicts the “Conservative” narrative that the Health Insurance Reform will “raise taxes” on businesses.  (Read this!)

Next, is a bit of Fact Checking on the Stimulus bill. Can’t help a quote and then the link :

The ad falsely calls the health care law “government-run health care.” The truth is that — while the legislation will expand regulation of the insurance industry — it builds on our current private health care system and expands business for private insurers.

What I’ve been saying all along! Fact-Checked and found I am RIGHT! (and yes, if I am ever wrong, I will point that out too… ) (Read this!)

And before anyone goes yelling “liberal source!” they are just as hard on Democrats and Liberals! (of course, they usually just don’t have as much to call false on as they do Republicans.)

One last thing from Fact-Check – the Republican Pledge

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