Okay, so, Friend. How important is that? I just went through a difficult time. I ranted to get some things ...
Month: August 2002
Bitchin’ again…..Bitchin’ again…..
There is another issue I had with my now defunct marriage… My Ex would NEVER admit she was ever in ...
Divorce is Final 8/21/2002 – “Ranchy” VersionDivorce is Final 8/21/2002 – “Ranchy” Version
So, I know many of you are just curious as hell. So, here is the whole story. I met My ...
Divorce 8/21/2002 The Edited VersionDivorce 8/21/2002 The Edited Version
As I have heard my divorce has come as a great shock to all of my friends, acquaintances, family and ...
Looking into the GloamingLooking into the Gloaming
I see leaping down from a height a Great Black Horse, Mighty and Sure. Upon the horse is a rider, ...
My day todayMy day today
I rode to work today with Subtle_Shadow and she dropped me off. Well, I sat around the office filling out ...
She’s so FineShe’s so Fine
My Girlfriend is the best girl in the world. Best Woman Ever. Greatest thing in my many lives. Just wanted ...
Working for a LivingWorking for a Living
You know, I just sold three pre-need funerals. It feels great! I know that I have helped three people have ...
Birthday Party ReportBirthday Party Report
I am alive and well, despite rumors and concerns to the contrary. Summary: Body Count – 1 Alcohol Destroyed – ...
Damnit. Just when things are looking up, you get kicked right in the teeth again. Why can’t things work? My ...